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2017 Contest Winner

Homeowner Len & Robin J
Location Vista
Yard Front


Len & Robin felt a water-efficient landscape was a practical choice – both ecologically and economically – and were drawn to the colors, textures, sculptural shapes, and patterns of succulents. They designed the layout and installed all of the water-wise plants themselves.  The drip irrigation system was professionally installed, and their lawn was removed by landscapers. The time spent researching the plant selection and layout, which include a stunning array of colors from the Cassia Tree, Senecio, Crassul and Calandrinia grandiflora, and the hard work of digging holes and spreading a mountain of mulch paid off when people stopped by to offer words of encouragement and compliment their results.

Plants Used

Aeoneums, Agave, Aloe, Bulbine, Calandrinia grandiflora, Cassia Tree, Cotyledon, Crassul, Echeveria, Euphorbia, Jacobaea maritima, Kalanchoe, Rosmarinus officinalis, Senecio, Trachelospernum jasminoid

Vista Winners

2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023