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Submit Your Entry Here

Online Entry

  1. Upload quality photos of your landscape.
    • All photos need to be JPEG format (common format from phones and digital cameras).
    • Include at least one overall, wide-angle “curb appeal” shot as viewed from the street.
    • Provide before and after images. Please notify us if this is not possible.
    • Please reduce the size of each photo to less than 3 MB each
  2. Tell us why you elected to install a WaterSmart landscape – the design and installation process and any unexpected benefits. We want to hear your story!
  3. List the water-wise plants in your landscape.
  4. Describe your watering system as best you can.

Visit our Tips section to learn how to improve your chances of winning.

City of San Diego

Please complete all fields below.

  • Submit approximately 10 of your best photos of your WaterSmart landscape (max file size 10MB/ea.). Include overall views, street views and if possible, 2 - 3 before and after photos. Avoid low quality or distracting photos. This is where you get to show off your hard work!
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 10.
    • List any efficiency improvements like drip irrigation, high efficiency spray nozzles, smart controllers, rainwater catchment, gray-water systems, or other irrigation methods.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    – OR – enter through the mail

    For paper submissions sent through the U.S. Postal Service or delivered to our office:

    1. Download the paper entry form by clicking on the image below to open a PDF in your browser. Then, either fill in the requested information on your computer (right on the PDF form) or download, print, and clearly write your answers.
    2. Please follow the directions on the form. The same requirements apply as with digital submissions:
      • Gather photos of your landscape.
      • Write your name and property address on the back of each photo (photos will not be returned).
      • Provide a written explanation of why you elected to install a WaterSmart landscape.
      • Include a list of the water-wise plants in your landscape and details about your water system and schedule.
    3. Mail your completed entry package to:
      City of San Diego
      WaterSmart Landscape Contest
      525 B Street, Ste 300, San Diego, CA 92101
      Attn: Brian Hojnacki
    4. Contact Brian Hojnacki (619) 533-4187 | if you have questions or if you have not received confirmation that your entry form and all photos were received.