Submit Your Entry Here
Online Entry
- Upload quality photos of your landscape.
- All photos need to be JPEG format (common format from phones and digital cameras).
- Include at least one overall, wide-angle “curb appeal” shot as viewed from the street.
- Provide before and after images. Please notify us if this is not possible.
- Please reduce the size of each photo to less than 10MB each
- Tell us why you elected to install a WaterSmart landscape – the design and installation process and any unexpected benefits. We want to hear your story!
- List the water-wise plants in your landscape.
- Describe your watering system as best you can.
Visit our Tips section to learn how to improve your chances of winning.
City of Escondido
Please complete all fields below.
– OR – enter through the mail
For paper submissions sent through the U.S. Postal Service or delivered to our office:
- Download the paper entry form by clicking on the image below to open a PDF in your browser. Then, either fill in the requested information on your computer (right on the PDF form) or download, print, and clearly write your answers.
- Please follow the directions on the form. The same requirements apply as with digital submissions:
- Gather photos of your landscape.
- Write your name and property address on the back of each photo (photos will not be returned).
- Provide a written explanation of why you elected to install a WaterSmart landscape.
- Include a list of the water-wise plants in your landscape and details about your water system and schedule.
- Mail your completed entry package to:
City of Escondido
WaterSmart Landscape Contest
201 North Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025
Attn: Emma Potratz - Contact Emma Potratz (760) 839-4071 | if you have questions or if you have not received confirmation that your entry form and all photos were received.